


During the Spring Festival in China, which is the New Year, it is customary for relatives and friends to visit each other\'s homes to exchange greetings and well wishes. This tradition, known as \"拜年 (bài nián)\" in Chinese, is an important part of the festive celebrations. It is a time when people express their respect, gratitude, and good wishes to their loved ones.


The phrase \"拜年\" can be translated into English as \"paying a New Year\'s call\" or \"visiting for the new year.\" It implies the act of visiting someone\'s home during the Spring Festival to offer greetings and blessings for the coming year. For example, if I want to say, \"I will call on my uncle for the new year today,\" I can use the sentence: \"I will pay a New Year\'s call to my uncle today.\"


The phrase \"拜年\" can be translated as \"New Year greetings\" in English. It refers to the act of exchanging greetings and blessings during the Spring Festival. This tradition is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and represents the importance of family and social connections. It is a way for people to express their well wishes and strengthen relationships with their loved ones.


The phrase \"拜年\" can be translated as \"pay a New Year call\" or \"visit to offer New Year\'s greetings\" in English. To express the sentence \"Today I am going to pay a New Year call,\" I can use the phrase \"call to wish ... a happy new year.\" For example, one can say: \"Today I am going to call to wish my relatives and friends a happy new year.\"


Here are 50 English words related to the Spring Festival (春节):1. Spring Festival - 春节2. Lunar calendar - 农历3. Lunar January - 正月4. New Year\'s Eve - 除夕5. Red envelope - 红包6. Fireworks - 烟花7. Family reunion - 家庭团聚8. Traditional customs - 传统习俗9. Lantern Festival - 元宵节10. Dumplings - 饺子11. Lion dance - 舞狮12. Dragon dance - 舞龙13. Lanterns - 灯笼14. Spring couplets - 春联15. Fortune - 福16. Auspicious - 吉祥17. Reunion dinner - 团年饭18. Spring cleaning - 扫房子19. Temples - 寺庙20. Auspicious greetings - 吉祥话21. Zodiac animal - 生肖动物22. Nian monster - 年兽23. Happiness - 快乐24. Wealth - 财富25. Longevity - 长寿26. Prosperity - 繁荣27. Good luck - 幸运28. Festive decorations - 节日装饰29. Lantern riddles - 猜灯谜30. Spring blossoms - 春花31. Cultural heritage - 文化遗产32. Celebration - 庆祝33. Traditional clothing - 传统服饰34. Traditional music - 传统音乐35. Dragon boat racing - 龙舟赛36. Traditional food - 传统食物37. Auspicious colors - 吉祥颜色38. Incense - 香39. Good fortune - 好运40. Happy reunion - 团圆41. Cultural performances - 文化演出42. Festive atmosphere - 节日氛围43. Spring festival gala - 春晚44. Cultural traditions - 文化传统45. Paper cutting - 剪纸46. Traditional games - 传统游戏47. New Year blessings - 新年祝福48. Family gathering - 家庭聚会49. Festive music - 节日音乐50. Shrine - 神龛

春节用英语怎么说??? - 懂得

The phrase \"春节\" can be translated as \"Spring Festival\" in English. For example, one can say, \"Today we are all together for the Spring Festival\" to express the idea of gathering with family and friends during this festive occasion.

英语怎么讲春节? - 懂得

The term for \"春节\" in English is \"Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year.\" It refers to the traditional Chinese holiday that celebrates the beginning of the lunar calendar year. It is a time when people come together for family gatherings, feasts, and various cultural activities to welcome the new year.


The English translation for \"春节\" is \"Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year.\" It is not the same as \"New Year\'s Day\" (元旦), which specifically refers to the first day of the Gregorian calendar year. The Spring Festival, however, marks the start of the Chinese lunar calendar year and is a much broader and longer celebration.


The English word for \"春节\" is \"Spring Festival.\" Other translations include \"Chinese New Year\" and \"Lunar New Year.\" This holiday is one of the most important and widely celebrated festivals in China, marked with joyful gatherings, cultural traditions, and a festive atmosphere.


The English translations for \"春节\" are \"Spring Festival\" or \"the Spring Festival.\" Both translations are acceptable and commonly used. Adding \"the\" in front of \"Spring Festival\" is optional and depends on the sentence structure and context.